Waseem Akram and Sanjeev Saxena, Point Enclosure Problem for Homothetic Polygons, Theoretical Computer Science, 1030, 115054 (2025) share link valid till 27 Feb
Sanjeev Saxena, Zone theorem for arrangements in dimension three, Information Processing Lett. 172, 106161 (2021)
Sanjeev Saxena, All Nearest Smallers Made Simple, Parallel Processing Lett. 30(2):2050008 (1--9) (2020)
Yijie Han and Sanjeev Saxena, Algorithms for testing occurrences of length 4 patterns in permutations, J. Comb. Optim. 35(1): 189-208 (2018)
Sanjeev Saxena, Splay Trees, Handbook of Data Structures and Applications 2018
Neethi K. S. and Sanjeev Saxena, Maximal independent sets in a generalisation of caterpillar graph, J. Comb. Optim. 33(1): 326-332 (2017)
Neethi K. S. and Sanjeev Saxena, Maximum cardinality neighbourly sets in quadrilateral free graphs, J. Comb. Optim. 33(2): 422-444 (2017)
Kurt Mehlhorn and Sanjeev Saxena, A still simpler way of introducing interior-point method for linear programming, Computer Science Review 22: 1-11 (2016)
Jay Mahadeokar and Sanjeev Saxena, Faster algorithm to find anti-risk path between two nodes of an undirected graph, J. Comb. Optim. 27(4): 798-807 (2014)
Jay Mahadeokar and Sanjeev Saxena, Faster replacement paths algorithms in case of edge or node failure for undirected, positive integer weighted graphs, J. Discrete Algorithms 23: 54-62 (2013)
Sanjeev Saxena, On finding fundamental cut sets, Inf. Process. Lett. 110(4): 168-170 (2010)
Yijie Han, Sanjeev Saxena and Xiaojun Shen, An efficient parallel algorithm for building the separating tree, J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 70(6): 625-629 (2010)
Sanjeev Saxena, Dominance made simple, Inf. Process. Lett. 109(9): 419-421 (2009)
Waseem Akram and Sanjeev Saxena, Maximizing Weighted Dominance in the Plane , ICTAC 2024: 153-163
Waseem Akram and Sanjeev Saxena, Dominance for Enclosure Problems , IWOCA 2024: 408-420
Waseem Akram and Sanjeev Saxena, Consecutive Occurrences with Distance Constraints, CALDAM 2024: 3-13
Waseem Akram and Sanjeev Saxena, Point Enclosure Problem for Homothetic Polygons, IWOCA 2023: 13-24
Yijie Han and Sanjeev Saxena, Parallel Algorithms for Testing Length Four Permutations, PAAP 2014: 81-86
Anjeneya Swami Kare and Sanjeev Saxena, Swap Edges of Shortest Path Tree in Parallel, RAIT 2014: 77-85
Yijie Han and Sanjeev Saxena, Algorithms for Testing Length Four Permutations, FAW-AAIM 2013: 17-23
Anjeneya Swami Kare and Sanjeev Saxena, Efficient solutions for finding vitality with respect to shortest paths, IC3 2013: 70-75
Jay Mahadeokar and Sanjeev Saxena, Faster Replacement Paths Algorithm for Undirected, Positive Integer Weighted Graphs with Small Diameter, IWOCA 2012: 81-85
Sanjeev Saxena, "
Zone Theorem for Arrangements in three dimensions",
viXra:2006.0017, revised February 2025
Sanjeev Saxena, "On Duality Between Lines and Points",
viXra:2502.0043, February 2025
Sanjeev Saxena, "Proof of invariance of
ds2 from constancy of the speed of light,",viXra:2404.0124, April 2024
Sanjeev Saxena, "Simpler O(1) Query
Algorithm for Level Ancestors",viXra:2207.0150, April 2024
Gopalan Sajith and Sanjeev Saxena, "On
Brooks' Theorem",August 2022
Sanjeev Saxena, "A Simple Introduction to
Karmarkar's Algorithm for Linear Programming",viXra:1712.0528, December 2017
Sanjeev Saxena, "Ellipsoid Method for Linear Programming Made Simple ",
viXra:1712.0407, December 2017
Kurt Melhlhorn and Sanjeev Saxena, "A Still Simpler Way of Introducing
Interior-Point Method for Linear Programming",viXra:1411.0592, June 2016
Sanjeev Saxena, "A
Simple Proof of Bernoulli's Inequality", viXra:1205.0068, May 2012
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