GARUDA: A System for Large-Scale Mining of Statistically Significant Connected Subgraphs

Special Interest Group in Data (SIGDATA)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The steady growth of graph data in various applications has resulted in wide-spread research in finding significant sub-structures in a graph. In this paper, we address the problem of finding statistically significant connected subgraphs where the nodes of the graph are labeled. The labels may be either discrete where they assume values from a pre-defined set, or continuous where they assume values from a real domain and can be multi-dimensional. We motivate the problem citing applications in spatial co-location rule mining and outlier detection. We use the chi-square statistic as a measure for quantifying the statistical significance. Since the number of connected subgraphs in a general graph is exponential, the naive algorithm is impractical. We introduce the notion of contracting edges that merge vertices together to form a super-graph. We show that if the graph is dense enough to start with, the number of super-vertices is quite low, and therefore, running the naive algorithm on the super-graph is feasible. If the graph is not dense, we provide an algorithm to reduce the number of super-vertices further, thereby providing a trade-off between accuracy and time. Empirically, the chi-square value obtained by this reduction is always within 96% of the optimal value, while the time spent is only a fraction of that for the optimal. In addition, we also show that our algorithm is scalable and it significantly enhances the ability to analyze real datasets.

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GARUDA: A System for Large-Scale Mining of Statistically Significant Connected Subgraphs [6 mins 30 secs]

GARUDA: A System for Large-Scale Mining of Statistically Significant Connected Subgraphs
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Primary Contributors