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* Delivering funcational requirement is trivial. -TV Prabhakar
* Losers quit when they're tired. Winners quit when they've won.
* It is more important whether you performed your best or not, than win or loose.
* Failure is just an early attempt to success.
* Parkinson's Law: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
* Physics is trying to get familiarity with the software of nature.
* The ony disability of a man is his bad attitude.
* "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" -Albert Einstein
* In the end, it's extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don't win, how can you lose? - Jesse Owens
* Leadership Qualities: Creativity, Integrity, Global Thinking, Influence, Openness, Dedication, Focus on sustainability, Humility, Fairness.
* Seven Habits of Highly Effective People


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NPTL video I want to audit.

Computational Geometry Video Prof. Sandeep Sen IIT Delhi 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Video "Prof. Sundar Viswanathan Prof. Ajit A Diwan Prof. Abhiram G Ranade" IIT Bombay 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Computer Graphics Video Prof. Sukhendu Das IIT Madras 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Computer Networks Video Prof. Sujoy Ghosh IIT Kharagpur 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Cryptography and Network Security Video Dr. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay IIT Kharagpur 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Data Communication Video Prof. Ajit Pal IIT Kharagpur 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Introduction to Computer Graphics Video Prof. Prem K Kalra IIT Delhi 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Real Time Systems Video Prof. Rajib Mall IIT Kharagpur123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Theory of Computation Video Prof. Somenath Biswas IIT Kanpur 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Computer Security and Cryptography - I Video Prof. Bernard Menezes IIT Bombay 123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x
Pattern Recognition Video "Prof. Sukhendu Das Prof. C.A. Murthy" "IIT Madras Indian Statistical Institute"123456789x123456789x123456789x123456789x