Java Coverage Analyzer

In a typical software development process approximately 50% of the total cost is expended in testing the software being developed. Software test coverage analyzers are very much helpful in reducing the cost associated with testing. There are three different techniques to collect the coverage information namely source code instrumentation, object code instrumentation and interpreter instrumentation. This test coverage analyzer for Java uses source code instrumentation technique. During testing, the instrumented code gives statement coverage, branch coverage, method coverage, class coverage and time spent in testing. The user can also specify the classes which should not be instrumented, or specify the classes to be instrumented. The tool provides the tester with coverage statistics of the current session as well as of the overall summary of the coverage information of the previous test cases. The tool allows changing the trigger to be executed for blocks, branches, methods, etc. and allows coverage format to be changed.

The source of this tool is available. You can use the tool for any purpose. As with other tools, though we have tried to make it as reliable and as useful as possible, use it at your own risk. No support is provided for this tool.
Java Coverage Analyzer for Linux  JavaCoverage1.0.tar.gz
Java Coverage Analyzer for Windows
Documentation  man pageSample outputM.Tech Thesis of N.V.Sreenivasa Rao


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