Assignment #1

Warm Up

Part 1: AI based Cartoon

Part 2: Description of different tasks

Playing Soccer: Stochastic, Sequential, Dynamic, Continuous, Partially Observable, Multiagent
Brushing your teeth: Deterministic,Sequential,Static, Continuous,Partially observable, Single agent
Playing a tennis match: Stochastic, Sequential, Static, Continuous, Partially observable, Multiagent
Practicing tennis againts a wall: Deterministic, Sequential, Dynamic, Continuous, Fully observable, Single agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch: Deterministic, Episodic, Static, Discrete, Fully observable, Single agent

Part 2: Soccer

Stochastic: This task is stochastic as the next state in this game depends heavily upon the actions taken by other players and is determined collectively by the actions of all the players(agents).
Sequential: The actions that one needs to take is decided by the actions taken in the past.
Dynamic: With respect to any particular agent, the ball and the other agents are moving and hence the environment is chaanging.
Continuous: Soccer is continuous game and we can't discretize it or dissolve it into discrete steps.
Partially Observable: All the information is not available to the agents. If we are moving forwards with the ball, we hardly know about the agents behind us.
Multiagent: The behavior of the agent depends on other agents', both teammates' and opponents', game.