Question 1 (Cartoon)
Question 2

Task Environment Observable Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete Agents
Playing Soccer Partially Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Multi
Brushing your teeth Fully Deterministic Sequential Static Continuous Single
Playing a tennis match Fully Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Multi
Practicing tennis against a wall Fully Deterministic Episodic Static Continuous Single
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Fully Deterministic Sequential Dynamic Discrete Multi

Playing Soccer

Partially Observable: The agent does not know the complete state of the environment as the agent cannot see the players behind him.

Stochastic: The next state of the environment cannot be determined from the current state. For e.g if the agent passes the ball to his team-mate and some agent from the opposition intercepts the ball.

Sequential: If a goal is needed, the ball has to be passed among many players and towards the goal post. This process happens sequentially because the ball which is near the goal post must have come from a winger or a center forward or maybe form some other player.

Dynamic: Playing soccer is dynamic because for an agent which has the ball other players are moving and hence the environment is changing.

Continuous: The player which has the ball can shoot in infinite number of directions thus making it a continuous process.

Multi Agent: More than one players are involved in the game of soccer. The performance measure of the player which has the ball is dependent on all other players. His team-mates are trying to maximize the performance measure while at the same time the opponents are trying to minimize it. Hence this is a multi agent situation.