Part 1

Part 2

Task Deterministic/stochastic Episodic/sequential Static/dynamic Discrete/continuous Fully observable/partially observable Single agent/multi agent
Playing soccer Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Partially observable Multi agent
Brushing your teeth Deterministic Episodic Static Continuous Fully observable Single agent
Playing a tennis match Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Fully observable Multi agent
Practising tennis against a wall Deterministic Sequential Static Continuous Fully observable Single agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete Fully observable Single agent

Reason for brushing your teeth

Deterministic/stochastic: There is no probability involved in brushing your teeth. Either you brush your teeth or not. So it must be a deterministic process.
Episodic/sequential: Brushing your teeth in different dates are completely unrelated to each other so this is episodic.
Static/dynamic: In this case environment affecting agents action is not changing without agent consent therefore this is static.
Discrete/continuous: All states involved in brushing your teeth for example angle are continuous therefore this is a continuous process.
Fully observable/partially observable: When brushing my teeth complete environment affecting my brushing action can completely be monitored by me.So this is a fully observable process.
Single agent/multi agent: Clearly I am the only one involved with my brushing action therefore this is a single agent process.