Assignment 1

Part 1

Part 2

Playing soccer Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Partially observable Multiagent
Brushing your teeth Deterministic Sequential Static Continuous Partially observable Single agent
Playing a tennis match Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Partially observable Multiagent
Practising tennis against a wall Deterministic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Fully observable Single agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete Fully observable Single agent

Explanation for playing soccer

Stochastic:Future state is not entirely dependent on current action. It is also decided by other factors like how the other players behave.
Sequential:All the future states depend on the current action e.g the position of other players is likely to change if the ball is kicked in a particular direction.
Dynamic:The position of the ball and the other players is constantly changing.
Continuous:Almost all decisions like speed and direction of movement, direction and force to kick the ball are continuous.
Partially observable:The entire playfield may not be visible. The agent also does not know about the impending actions and the thought processes of the other players.
Multiagent:The player needs to take into account the actions of other players including his teammates and opponents.