Assignment 1

Process Deterministic vs. Stochastic Episodic vs. sequential Static vs. dynamic Discrete vs. continuous Fully observable vs. partially observable Single agent vs. multiagent
Playing soccer Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Patially Observable Multi-agent
Brushing your teeth Deterministic Episodic Static Continuous Fully Observable Single-agent
Playing a tennis match. Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Patially Observable Multi-agent
Practicing tennis against a wall Deterministic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Fully Observable Single-agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Discrete Fully Observable Single-agent

Explaination for Playing soccer

- because given the current state of the 22 people and the action I take I cannot determine what action will be taken by other players and hence it is not deterministic
- because which action I take right now actually affects my future actions. For example if I pass the ball to the closest player then I must be ready if the player gives back the ball to me, or if the other player misses my pass then I must be ready to tackle the player of other team
- because the enironment of the agent keeps on changing while the player is deliberating
- because almost everything in the field is continuous including the agent's, other players' and the balls' coordinates
Patially Observable
- because every movement of all players cannot be tracked by the agent, for eg a player can come in front of the camera of the agent and narrow the vision, also the back view of the players is not trackable
- there are many agents involved in the game other than the given agent