Question 1

Evolution ! You are doing it right...


Question Answers

Event Stochastic/deterministicepisodic/sequential Static/dynamicdiscrete/continuous partially/fully observableSingle/multiagent
Playing SoccerStochasticsequentialDynamicContinuousPartially observable Multiagent
Brushing your teethdeterministicepisodicstaticcontinuousFully observableSingle agent
Playing a tennis matchstochasticsequentialdynamiccontinuousPartially observable Multiagent
Practicing tennis against the wallstochasticsequentialdynamiccontinuousFully observable Single agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunchdeterministicepisodicstaticdiscreteFully observable Single agent

Brushing Your Teeth

deterministic : At each time the agent have complete control of brush and its location.
Episodic : Depending on what the other player does, the agent has to take different actions each time.
Static : The environment does not change on its own, it is completely controllable by the agent.
Continuous: The brush has a continuous path. So thier no. of states are infinite.
Fully Observable : At each instant the space is completely observable.
Single-Agent : Only 1 agent doing the task.