Question 1

This cartoon

Question 2

These are the catagoies of mentioned events.

Playing Soccer

Catagory Reason
Stochastic It is impossible to keep track of all the unobserved variables. Can't predict what exactly the opponent is planning to do
Sequential Current decision affects the future decisions. For example, if a striker was clear and you passed him the ball ahead of him then he will have to run to get the ball
Dynamic While taking the decision the other agents can continuously move

Speed and direction are continuous variables
Partially Observable We cannot determine the other players are doing or thinking. You might think to pass a ball, and the opponent might think to cover that player. So, your actions can't be based upon his thinking
Multi-Agent Decisions taken by the agent depend upon other players

Deterministic vs stochastic
Episodic vs Sequential
Static vs Dynamic
Discrete vs Continous
Fully vs Partially Observable
Single Agent vs Multi Agent
Playing Soccer Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continous Partially Observable Multi-Agent
Brushing Your Teeth Deterministic Sequential Static Continous Partially Observable Single-Agent
Playing a Tennis Match Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continous Partially Observable Multi-Agent
Practicing tennis against a wall Deterministic Episodic Dynamic Continous Fully Observable Single-Agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete Fully Observable Single-Agent