Question 1

Question 2 Playing soccer Brushing your teeth Playing a tennis match Practicing tennis against a wall Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch
Deterministic vs. stochastic. Stochastic Deterministic Stochastic Deterministic Stochastic
Episodic vs. sequential. Sequential Episodic Sequential Sequential Sequential
Static vs. dynamic. Dynamic Static Dynamic Static Dynamic
Discrete vs. continuous. Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Discrete
Fully observable vs. partially observable. Partially Observable Fully observable Fully observable Fully observable Fully observable
Single agent vs. multiagent. Multi-agent Single agent Multi-agent Single agent Multi agent
Reasons for categorizing the task: Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch
Stochastic The result of going to the mess (getting a particular food item) might change as we are taking time to think about it (as some other student might finish the item we chose initially).
Sequential Our previous action (e.g.:Taking rice or not) might affect our next choice (e.g.:Taking dal or not).
Dynamic The availability of menu items might change over a period of time as other students might exhaust certain items.
Discrete Only the choice is being decided (not the quantities) which have finite number of possibilities. Thus, the choices are discrete.
Fully observable All the menu items can be seen from a single vantage point and that is the complete information needed to describe the state of the system.
Multi agent There are other people choosing their food too, and that might affect the availability of certain items, which in turn affects our decision.